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All In A Month

I've said it before, and I'll say it again - time flies this side of the adoption process! It's hard to believe we've been home from China for a month already! Lots of life happening here, but I thought I'd give the skinny on how life at home has been.

Kaison is such a joy! Don't get me wrong, he IS two and has a fighting spirit, but he is amazing!

Kenzie and Josh visited, and he took right to them.

Kohlby and Kaison - brothers forever!

Deciding what he will and will not eat has been a challenge.

Tortellini soup is a YES!

The "jumpolene" is a hit!

Big sisters rock!

One of the many doctor's visits in June.

Helping Mama work.

Yes to this!

He is a champion at haircuts!

Kinley's surgical pre-op.

Kaeleb Jon is 10!


Kasidi's sedated MRI.

Simply tiger-licious!

Bombarding Kuyler and Caitlin for Father's Day!

Another road trip!

Big brothers rock!

Kambry is 10!

We've mowed.

Kinley is 9!

On our way to Kayden's orthodontic appointment. Everything is a gun!

We've overcome a post-immunization fever.

We've been to the library twice.

Of course, there is the main event of our summer: getting ready for sweet corn harvest in July!

We've had our first post-placement visit, with only a few embarrassing moments in the chaos.

Sadly, I don't have pictures of our visits with Kolton and Allie! We helped them move into their new home and visited them again after that. To sum this month up: #drivetime. And little mister goes everywhere with Mama!

He is a champion sleeper, between Mama and Daddy. He eats pretty well. He has an incredible personality. Life has been a bit more chaotic that I prefer when first home with a new family member, but we do what we have to do, right?!?


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